

Unveiling the Versatility of HL Series Hollow Glass Spheres


--- # Introduction: Exploring the World of HL Series Hollow Glass Spheres In the realm of advanced materials, HL Series Hollow Glass Spheres are making waves with their exceptional properties and versatile applications. From aerospace to automotive, construction to cosmetics, these unique microspheres offer a wide range of benefits that can elevate your projects to new heights. Join us as we delve

The First Forum on Application and Development Trend of New Automotive Materials in 2016


China's auto industry is undergoing a transformation. In recent years, under the background of increasingly stringent global fuel emission standards, lightweight, intelligent, electrified, and new models have emerged one after another. Chinese automobiles have entered a climax of innovation, and such innovations have also promoted the overall transformation and upgrading of China's automobile industry.

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Live in a hollow glass bead coated houses, cold insulation noise, which is across the aerospace, building energy saving, industrial anti-corrosion and other applications of cutting-edge new materials;

Surface Modification Principle of Inorganic Powder Materials


Inorganic powder materials are generally metal or non-metal oxides. When applied to organic composite materials, it is sometimes necessary to add a compatibilizer to enhance the interfacial compatibility with the organic polymer matrix. In production operations, the compatibilizer is usually added directly to the formulation system, and sometimes the surface of inorganic powder materials can be modified to improve their compatibility with organic materials.

How to choose the right beads in rubber


The use of Hollow Glass Sphere in rubber products has given the functions of lightweight materials, heat insulation, sound absorption and noise reduction, good stability, and improved processability, which has expanded the new technical direction and application space for the rubber industry. The application is more and more extensive.

Advantages and Suggestions of Hollow Glass Sphere Used in Rubber Products


Rubber products are also developing in the direction of lightness and durability, especially the rubber soles with mature application of Hollow Glass Sphere at present, from the regular density of about 1.15g/cm³ to 1.0g/cm³ (commonly known as "floating on the water") by adding 5-8 parts of microbeads. At present, customers with certain research and development capabilities can achieve a density of 0.9 or even 0.85g/cm³ by adding Hollow Glass Sphere, thus greatly reducing the rubber density, the shoe type is the same as before, and the weight is reduced by about 20%.

Hollow glass beads help the home appliance industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency


The home appliance industry is not only the pillar industry of the national economy, but also one of the earliest industries in China to enter the global market. With the development of Internet and mobile Internet technology and the popularization of smart phones, with the support of huge market demand and national policies, the home appliance industry has entered a new round of rapid development, and the demand for plastics in the home appliance industry is also steadily increasing. At the same time, home appliances are constantly upgrading, intelligence is constantly improving, market competition is greater, and corporate profitability is declining; market demand drives innovation, new technologies drive the development of the industry, and the requirements of the home appliance industry for plastic performance are also constantly improving.

Application of Saint Wright Hollow Glass Microspheres in Thermal Insulation Coatings


Thermal insulation coating system is coated on the surface of the building wall, by the bottom coating, coating, surface coating composite, applied with decorative, thermal insulation function of the composite coating, referred to as thermal insulation coating or thermal insulation coating. Relevant standards specify the composition and performance requirements of thermal insulation coating systems, such as GB/T 25261 (reflective thermal insulation coatings for buildings), JG/T 517 (insulating glass sphere thermal insulation materials for engineering), T/CECS10126 (aerogel thermal insulation thick coating systems), the core part of the thermal insulation coating system is the middle coating of functional materials such as Hollow Glass Sphere and aerogels with low thermal conductivity.

Physical characterization of Hollow Glass Sphere and the relationship between the physical properties


Hollow Glass Sphere is a kind of micro-scale Hollow Glass Sphere with smooth surface, and its appearance is white fluidity powder. The physical parameters of hollow glass microspheres are mainly density, particle size and particle size distribution, compressive strength and so on. Understanding the meaning of the physical parameters of Hollow Glass Sphere and the relationship between the physical properties will help us to better understand and use the products.

Application of Hollow Glass Sphere in epoxy zinc-rich primer


Epoxy zinc-rich primer is one of the most important and widely used heavy-duty anti-corrosion coatings for large-scale steel structures, especially in the field of anti-corrosion of ships and marine engineering. In order to ensure the long-term anti-corrosion of steel, the protection period is extended by increasing the content of zinc powder and increasing the thickness of the coating film, which will increase the invalid load of steel structures and may bring environmental impact.

Effect of Hollow Glass Sphere on Adhesive Viscosity and the Solution of "Thickening" Phenomenon


Viscosity is a manifestation of the fluidity of the adhesive, the addition of inorganic mineral fillers will increase the viscosity of the adhesive, and the degree of increase in viscosity is related to the type, shape and amount of minerals. If the particle size of inorganic mineral filler reaches nanoscale, due to large surface area, narrow particle size distribution and high oil absorption value, the viscosity of adhesive increases obviously. Flaky, fibrous, needle-shaped fillers have large interparticle porosity, and their oil absorption value is usually higher than that of spherical particles, which has a great influence on the viscosity of adhesive. The surface of fillers such as calcium carbonate, fumed silica and mica powder is rough, which makes the adhesive difficult to flow and the viscosity increase obviously.

The difference between hollow glass beads and perlite, floating beads


Because of its excellent physical and chemical properties (such as low specific gravity, low thermal conductivity, low dielectric, high strength, etc.), hollow glass microspheres are widely used as functional powder materials in many fields of composite materials and industrial production.
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